I am unfortunately not (yet...?) an html and css wizzard, nor is anyone able to fully create things wholly on their own. This page acts as a sort of meta-bibliography for the many resources I've used in the creation of this website.
If you're looking for a bibliography of resources, texts, etc. that I've taken inspiration from or directly cited whilst writing this blog (rather than making it), then I have a seperate page for that here. This page aims to detail and credit resources I used in the more technical side of website building. There is, however, some overlap as sites that I've listed here provided inspiration often not just for the structure and construction of this website but also for its content and rationale/philosophy (or, the approach I took to building this website). I have noted this briefly below, but for further discussion of how various sites served as inspiration for what to put on this site and how, see the bibliography page.
Here are (hopefully) all of the sources I drew upon and used to create this website.
CSS Templates made by EGGRAMEN
Sad Girl's resources (including the Layout Builder) were also very useful in building this site.
Pixel It - Used to create pixelated background images
All images and photos are my own unless otherwise stated/listed below.
The photos of sea buckthorns on this site do not belong to me.
The colour picker tool on W3 Academy was extremely useful, as were the rest of their resources (cited more thoroughly above).
This site has been inspired by many things, some of which I've tried to list here. Obviously I've included direct links about to resources I have directly used or implemented in some way (e.g., HTML and CSS templates, especially those made by EGGRAMEN), but in this section I'd like to list some less direct or broader sources of inspiration.
In other words, this section aims to briefly outline sources of inspiration for the content of this website and how it's structured. A more detailed bibliography page outlining what sources influenced this and my approach to building this website can be found here.
It probably makes sense to first restate how various webmasters (and their respective sites) provided not just useful resources for this site to function but also for what to put on it, how it should look and fuction! EGGRAMEN's templated were super useful in this regard, as was Sad Girl's [list]. I've also been inspired by browsing a whole host of other NeoCities websites, not all of which I can remember. But I particularly took inspiration from ...
The first inspiration to make a website on NeoCities specifically came from a YouTube video by [...] which I watched in August 2024, although I did have some extremely basic HTML experience in the distant past thanks to that fact that I once had a tumblr blog in my teenage years. I've also been known to occassionally edit Wikipedia, so you could call me a master hacker or something.
Thanks for reading this